“The Rats in the Walls” is a city-wide conspiracy led by the eponymous graffiti crew and its masked spokesman, Kilroy. Since March, chalk summoning circles, origami lotuses, and Kilroy himself have appeared on the streets of Manhattan, hinting at what was to come.
Now, on Sunday, May 10th at 10 AM, something will unfold across New York City. To follow the conspiracy and take part, watch the hashtags #ghosttrain and #ratsinthewalls on Twitter this Sunday, and follow @kilroyisgod.
Kilroy is rumored to make one final appearance in Union Square on Saturday, May 9th–this will be the last chance anyone has to speak with him before it begins.
May 10th, 10 AM
#ghosttrain and #ratsinthewalls
Follow at @kilroyisgod