Four Rules for Building an Alternate Reality Game (ARG)

The following is an excerpt from my upcoming GIFCON presentation speech on my Rats in the Walls project, which was a limited ARG that took place from March–May 2015. This part of the speech talks about the four guiding principles I used to structure the whole project. What defines an ARG? If you look at other ARGs, like the …

I’m Going to Be a Speaker at Glasgow International Fantasy Convention!

Last month I saw a post on the SFWA website calling for papers and presentations for GIFCON, the Glasgow International Fantasy Convention, and decided to submit a presentation on my Rats in the Walls project. Now, I found out I’ve been accepted–I’m going to Scotland to be a speaker at the con (March 29th-30th)! “The …

The Occult Reading List Vol. 2: Quantum Computing, Alchemy, and Cicada 3301

This is Vol. 2 of the Occult Reading list, where I collect all the interesting stories and strange pieces of trivia I’ve picked up over the past week from books, articles, and webpages. Also included are the songs that have been on repeat for me this week. Guaranteed to make you more interesting at parties. …

Kilroy Sightings

This May, “The Rats in the Walls,” a Lovecraft-inspired piece of Twitter fiction, will debut as part of the Twitter Fiction Festival. Once it begins, it will not stop. Watch the Rats come out of the woodwork. This April, report any sightings of the man pictured below to the handle @kilroyisgod, with the hashtag #ratsinthewalls.       …